Sustainability Now! December 15, 2019, Can Solar Energy Provide a Basic Income for Everyone in the World? with Robert Stayton, author of Power Shift: From Fossil Energy to Dynamic Solar Power and Solar Dividends: How Solar Energy Can Generate a Basic Income for Everyone on Earth discusses his proposal to give everyone on Earth 10 kilowatts of solar PV panels. You can request a free e-book of Solar Dividends at:
When you go out into the world and walk on the Earth, have you ever wondered what was beneath your feet? Animals and plants,...
Sustainability Now! October 20, 2019, Where the Mountain Lions Are, with Professor Chris Wilmers, Department of Environmental Studies at UC Santa Cruz, talking about...
In Santa Cruz, July is Not too Late to Plant Seeds! with Renee Shepherd of Renee’s Garden On Sustainability Now! Have you procrastinated on...